Yummy Prime Rib

Posted by in The Kitchen

Mmmm….visiting cousins in PA, and one of them cooked a delicious prime rib last night. She bought delicious aged beef, and used an old marinade from her mom. After much pleading and many promises to share MY recipes, she told me what it was: soy sauce, sugar, garlic powder, s & p, and whisky (good luck me getting actual proportions)! She then got a good sear at 500, then down to 225 for awhile. The result was an amazing browned outer crust, meltingly tender interior, and delicious au jus. Mmmm….visiting cousins in PA, and one of them cooked a delicious prime rib last night. She bought delicious aged beef, and used an old marinade from her mom. After much pleading and many promises to share MY recipes, she told me what it was: soy sauce, sugar, garlic powder, s & p, and whisky (good luck me getting actual proportions)! She then got a good sear at 500, then down to 225 for awhile. The result was an amazing browned outer crust, meltingly tender interior, and delicious au jus. The feast was rounded out by a spinach salad, pasta salad, rice, asparagus with hollandaise, sauteed mushrooms, and fresh steamer clams! Half a bottle of merlot later, I was in heaven.